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Theatre Gertrudes ielas teatris: A safe haven for the independent artist

Theatre Gertrudes ielas teatris is one of the most influential independent theatres in Latvia and affects changes in the country’s theatre system. Since the fall of 2009, GIT has produced and co-produced 48 new productions and held guest performances in 17 countries. At the moment, GIT stages 3 to 4 new productions each season and offers a monthly program of repertoire performances. Artists from various performing arts backgrounds – theatre, dance, and music – come together in a total of over 100 events each season.

GIT’s unique approach to sustainability is visible as soon as the visitors enter the theatre. Located in a postwar Repair and Building Administration building, the theatre’s residents have upcycled the run-down premises using environmentally friendly practices. By renovating the floors, walls, and ceilings with minimalistic resources, leaving the buildings historical reminiscences and “heritage” visible, and filling the large open rooms with refurbished furniture, plants, and reused scenography elements, the old house has become a unique place for art and gatherings. The main stage as well as the gathering hall are a perfect example of sustainable practices being implemented to gain a maximum result.

With producer Maija Pavlova and artistic lead Andrejs Jarovojs in charge, GIT has managed to make the venue a safe haven for independent artists. The collaboration between GIT and artists is established and based on a shared belief in the value of creative work and the crossing of borders – they support and encourage new impulses and ideas to aid artistic growth. A group of actively engaged partners helps strengthen GIT as a platform for current trends in contemporary theatre in Riga. In this task, they equally value their companions – thoughtful and empathetic spectators who want to explore the diverse world of the performing arts.