First steps towards a more sustainable future
1st of January 2024 marked the beginning of Greenstage, an EU co-funded environmental sustainability project that will bring together the best practices, examples, and toolboxes for reducing the ecological footprint created within the performing arts sector, but it wasn’t until 22nd of April, when all the project partners met physically for the first time.
During the project kick-off in Wuppertal, Germany (from the 22nd to the 25th of April 2024), partners from Italy, Austria, Slovenia, Germany, and Latvia shared their first accomplishments and worked together to draft a road map for the upcoming years. The four-day long meeting provided the involved parties with an insight into each partner's tasks and responsibilities and how they will work together to achieve their common goals.
By establishing ground rules on ecological sustainability, gender equality, inclusivity, diversity, and mutual respect, the partners began to analyse the intricacies of sustainability in the performing arts sector. The project partners' diverse backgrounds and individual strengths provided these discussions with a broader perspective, strengthening the belief and necessity of the project's set mission.